Igor Marcel Strosin is multidisciplinary visual artist born in Poland. Citizen of the world, currently living and working in Colombia.
He has a bachelors degree in Prosthetic at the University of Medical Science and a masters in Visual Communication at University of Fine Arts. After graduating he pursued visual design career, working in graphic studios and advertisement agencies. He created many bold campaigns and visuals for various brands.
contact via igor-strosin@wp.pl
Mtp Poznań, Diploma exhibition (04.2015) – diploma exhibition
Nova Gazownia Designer’s Debut Exhibition (04.2015) – exhibition of the best graphic design masters degree diplomas from University of Fine Arts in Poznań; category: editorial design
Art&Fashion Forum 2016 powered by Grażyna Kulczyk currated by Nick Night and Showstudio (10.2016) – two weeks’ workshops finalist, final exhibition participation
"Warsaw, women, fashion" Harpers Bazaar cover contest winner (07.2016)
Wetrasnfer & notforprint - “How do We resist” contest winner (05.2017)